Food Nutrients in food
Total lipid / fat (mg)
Group of products:
Products with maximal content, per 100g69 610
65 700
21 190
19 400
14 740
14 710
13 500
12 920
12 730
11 200
9 440
9 330
8 990
8 410
8 240
8 050
7 920
7 490
Products with minimal content, per 100g210
1 650
2 060
2 170
2 620
2 680
3 030
3 260
3 330
3 510
3 570
13. Beef Liver
3 630
14. Pork Liver
3 650
15. Beef (raw)
3 680
3 990
4 250
4 380
4 400
4 510